Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Dawn & Lori: How to prepare for a hospital visit during COVID-19
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
We are thankful our friends Dawn and Lori are here again, this time to discuss the things you need to know before visiting the hospital during COVID-19, especially with your adult child with special needs. They give tips and real life experience, as well as let you know what items you always need to have with you.
We are grateful to provide a sample letter to help you if you find yourself in that situation.
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Katie Frugé: Special-Needs Parenting, Cancer, & Human Dignity
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
About Katie
Katie Frugé is a stomach cancer survivor, special needs parent, amateur baker, professional theologian, and human rights advocate. She is married to her college sweetheart, D.L. and they have three daughters: Eve (9), Lissy (6), and Noelle (1). Katie has a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology, her primary area of interest is the imago Dei and human dignity. She serves as Associate Director for the Christian Life Commission of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Katie loves a good cup of coffee, a good run, and a good musical.
Favorite Quotes
"The Lord, in His grace and His wisdom, prepares you for the trial right in front of you." -Katie Frugé
[On marriage]..."We’ve really been committed to say 'I’m with you. Period.'" - Katie Frugé
“I want you to see humans who have life to give.” -Katie Frugé
“I promise, there is joy to be had in this journey.” -Katie Frugé
“We’re going to choose family, no matter what.” -Katie Frugé
Connect with Katie
Instagram: @choose_family
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Ann Scherff: Parenting Multiple Children with Special Needs
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
About Ann
Ann has been married to her husband, Dave, for 53 years and together they have five adult children, three of whom have special needs, and three grandsons, one who has autism. They are also caregivers for Dave's sister who has developmental disabilities and their youngest son Matthew also 32 who is deaf and has autism. Ann has a Masters degree in education and also has degrees in paralegal, deaf studies/interpreting.
Additionally, Ann has worked as an advocate and has volunteered in different capacities with local, regional and state organizations that support people with disabilities such as Board of Visitors, Parent to Parent, Independent Living Organizations, Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, and Family Support services. In their former church, Ann served as an interpreter and as a parish advocate for people with disabilities. In her current church, she interprets, sings with the praise team, and is a Stephen Minister.
Favorite Quotes
“We are serving God when we serve our children.” -Ann Scherff
"I think it’s looking more at the big picture, and looking at the possibilities, and seeing not the disabilities, but seeing the abilities…and seeing them as a person and not as a label.” -Ann Scherff
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
The Quarles: Dealing with an unexpected diagnosis
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
About Chad and Staci
Chad and Staci have been married for 21 years and have 2 girls, Madelynn, 17 who has special needs: epilepsy, nonverbal, limited mobility and Kayla, 13 who is in 7th grade and loves to play volleyball and chat with her friends. They have lived in Arizona since 2015 and before that resided in Franklin, TN for 11 years.
Favorite Quotes
“It really was a lifeline to find the Community Groups within Rising Above.” -Chad Quarles
"Even hearing the ladies talking about their families...they get me, they know exactly what I'm going through." -Staci Quarles
"Staying engaged in church and now actually with the Community Groups here, because that is so life-giving. It encourages us, it challenges us, it challenges our marriage..." -Chad Quarles
“It’s something that God has allowed, and God will give you the strength to get through.” -Chad Quarles
Related Links
“Common Man, Extraordinary Call”
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Year End Recap with Rising Above Staff
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
We are excited about all God has done in 2020 even in the midst of a global pandemic, and we look forward to what is to come in 2021! Hear more about where we have been and where we're headed in the future in this podcast with the Rising Above Ministries staff.
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Transitioning to Adulthood: Part Two
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Dawn & Lori join us again for part two of "Transitioning to Adulthood." This episode covers topics like wills, insurance, estate planning, and making arrangements to care for your child (or adult) long after you're gone. As uncomfortable as this topic can be, be encouraged and empowered that special-needs parents can do hard things for the sake of caring for those they love! Bring your pen and paper, because there are some very practical take-aways for where to begin this process.
If you missed part one, be sure to catch it here!
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
"The Flip Side" on Thanksgiving
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
This Thanksgiving may look different for your family this year. It's easy to be sad or to wish things were different, but in this episode, Becky shares some stories of how she and her family learned to appreciate their blessings each Thanksgiving and look at the flip side.
In addition to listening to this episode, we'd love to invite you to Thanksgiving with Becky on Jon Alex this Thursday. Gather on Zoom with families from all over the country to count our blessings! Sign up to join them here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcEyhxJhnyzFf_QqH00-INZ4WyP1GJqKGxqqV29EEKAhU6EQ/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3uRlWCq-5qkotOwVynEAQbjE-s7c90HAA9ozzUqmnPHhgLDt_5UgzWCT4
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Cassaundra Kemp
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Today we have the opportunity to have a conversation with our long-time friend, Cassandra Kemp.
About Cassaundra
Cassaundra is a lover of Jesus, President and Co-Founder of PraiStones, wife to an amazing man of God for more than fifteen years, mother of three incredible children, a nurse, and Project Manager and Consultant at her current full-time job. As you can see, Cassandra is a busy lady who is also mom of children with special needs, both through birth and adoption. Cassaundra is passionate about encouraging others to look back on God's past faithfulness and hearing their stories. She gets excited as they recall His goodness, which inspires them to TRUST HIM with their present and future!
Favorite Quotes
The Lord spoke to my heart and he said, “Take no thought for tomorrow.”
-Cassaundra Kemp
Related Links
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Extraordinary Legacy with TJ & Steve
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
We are so thankful to have these two special-needs dads on the podcast with us today. TJ Overstreet and Steve Chatman will be joining us for the Extraordinary Legacy conference on November 20, and this episode is a way to get to know them before the event, as well as encourage dads to sign up for this free opportunity! Being a special-needs dad is a unique challenge, and this night is set aside to encourage and challenge you to walk in the calling God has placed on your life! Enjoy hearing from other dads who "get it."
To sign up for this one-night virtual event, please visit risingaboveministries.org/extraordinary-legacy.
Favorite Quotes
“An inheritance is what you leave for our children, but a legacy is what you leave in them.” -Steve Chatman quoting an unknown author
“Parenting’s not about me. It is denying yourself.” -Steve Chatman
“I have to choose joy.” -TJ Overstreet
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Sibling Chat: David & the Peoples Family
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
About the Episode
The Peoples are no strangers to Rising Above, but this is the first time we have had the chance to talk to their son, David, a special-needs sibling to his brother James. David has such an incredible perspective on his role as a special-needs sibling and he gives great advice on how to appreciate a sibling with special needs for who God created him or her to be. If you have a special-needs sibling in your family, be encouraged by this episode and the way God has knit your family together for His purpose.
Favorite Quotes
"We talk about how our kids with disabilities are wonderfully created and God works through them and we say that message so often and sometimes we forget to say, 'Oh, we are ALL created with a purpose, we all have this calling that God puts on our lives, and we fulfill that in big and small ways, but He knit us as a family together for a purpose.'” -Sandra Peoples
”Appreciate your brother or sister for who they are.” - David Peoples
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